Thursday, October 27, 2016

Propaganda Posters

Complete your Personal Protest Campaign with a Propaganda Poster
Your posters should be 9”x12” with a 1” border all the way around. Please review the images in the handout while you consider how you will organize your text and/or imagery to convey your message. If you see something you like in the images, allow it to influence you. Your work must be original, but it is ok to reference other images, like Shepard Fairey does.
Wednesday, November 2nd will be a work day.
Critique: Monday, November 7th

Monday, October 24, 2016

Personal Protest Part 1

Personal Protest
Part 1
Create a protest sign about a daily or personal or imaginary annoyance.
Step 1: Draw a detailed sketch of your sign in your sketchbook.
Step 2: Use whatever materials necessary to make your sign. Please attach a stick (or sticks) to your sign.
Consider the following when designing your sign:
How large should your sign be?
What shape should it be?
Should your sign have images?
Should your sign have text?
How large will your text be?
Should you limit the number of words on the sign?
Should your sign rhyme?
Should you use a metaphor, allusion, or a play on words?
Critique: Wednesday, October 26th. We will then discuss Part 2 and begin working on it.

Thursday, October 13, 2016


Please bring the following to class on Wednesday, October 12
One photo, taken by you.
One found image from the internet, a magazine, or a billboard. (Take a photo or screen shot, or tear the image out of a magazine.)
Print both (as close to 8”x10” as possible) and bring to class

*The two images will be mashed together. They can be related, but they do not have to be. If you are having a hard time picking just one of each, feel free to bring more than one.

In class
Watch trace and transfer demonstration.
Make contour line tracings of both of your images.
Sample Contour Line Drawings

Transfer both of your drawings onto one piece of Bristol board so that they are layered on top of each other.

Using a 2”x2.5” viewfinder window, choose one area of one of your traced drawings to enlarge. This area should have a dynamic or interesting set of lines.
Copy this composition of lines within the 10”x8” frame of your layered drawing.

Take a Step Back
When you have all three images on your Bristol board, take a step back and see how the images are interacting. Use an eraser to take away any lines you do not like. Use a pencil to add or connect lines, or to fill in smaller shapes that seem to be creating a rhythm.
Consider whether or not you should….
         add a fourth layer of imagery.
         erase most or all of what is there.
         retrace one of your images in a different place than you originally traced          it (upside down, mirror image, or slightly off register).
         repeat one element until it forms a pattern.
         enhance an emerging figure/ground relationship.

Once you have discovered the image you will make, think about whether you would like it to be black and white or in color. Make a decision about what type of media you will use (gouache, pen and ink, color pencil, marker, or graphite).

Please note:

The main point of this assignment is to encourage you to make a lot of decisions that do not have clear outcomes. Your best decisions in this project will be the decisions that you like the most. I do not have any expectations about what your final image will look like.